Tales and thoughts while wandering around...
some short storytelling blog


Pine Hawk-mot (Sphynx pinastri)

At the end of the Bagnes valley in Switserland ( Bonatchiesse) just under the Mauvoisin dam, is a particular place for hawk mots. This one makes me wonder about a medieval monk or a character out of Game Of Thrones. The blue background of the mountain river makes it even more bizarre.

Pine Hawk-moth (Sphinx pinastri) - 7/2020 - Bonatchiesse(CH)
7/2020 - Bonatchiesse(CH)
Pine Hawk-moth (Sphinx pinastri) - 7/2020 - Bonatchiesse (CH)
7/2020 - Bonatchiesse (CH)

... and just when I wanted to tell that the upper side is somewhat less cray, I must admit this doesn't seem to be correct.